General Obedience Training – these are run as one-one sessions – tailoring the training to owner requirements, environment and breed specifics.
These sessions are about getting the most from your dog as an enjoyable companion, learning about what motivates your dog, why they demonstrate certain behaviours and how to promote positive responses so you can enjoy the walks and interactions more.
My methods are all based on based on positive reinforcement associations to promote a consistent confident response, during the training we can deal with specific issues such as running off, jumping up, pulling on the lead or look at a general obedience package to include;
- Sit, Down and Stay
- Leave
- Recall
- Retrieving
- Heel work
- Livestock chasing
The training can be used for all breeds of dogs and tailored accordingly.
The consultations will ideally include all family members, of all ages, to develope a consistent family response.